Message Recap
Today, we kicked off our new sermon series, "This is the Way." In this series, we'll look at the person and practices of Jesus through the book of 1 John. Following Jesus involves a first step and continual next steps to grow in our faith.
Dave Dummit shared that to begin our walk with Jesus, we start with confession. So often, we trust in our capabilities—whether it's our finances, our intelligence, or our relationships—but to walk in the way of Jesus, we must transfer our trust from ourselves to fully trusting Jesus. Transferring our trust to Jesus isn't just a one-time decision; it is a continuous journey.
As we walk with Jesus, there are spiritual practices or rhythms we can put into place. Dave shared some with us: daily devotions, worship, generosity, prayer, BLESS (begin with prayer, listen, eat, serve, share), repentance and serving.
Dave shared, "spiritual maturity can be measured by the time it takes you from hearing God's word to implementing God's word in your life." As we grow in Jesus, we mature in Jesus, which looks like obedience to the way of Jesus.
Finally, we learned that our walk with Jesus isn't perfect, and we will fall at times. There is forgiveness for that, and the key is to continue to get back up. Dave concluded the message, "Your heavenly Father loves you bigger than any stumble you could take while following Jesus."