Message Recap
This weekend we got to hear from Dave Dummit and Fabian Garza, Willow Español's pastor. As we continued in our "This is the Way" series, Dave and Fabian took us through 1 John 1:3-11, emphasizing the importance of walking this life of faith in community with guideposts to help us.
First, never walk alone.
We were challenged to consider that we have minimized the significance of the word fellowship in the past and somewhat misunderstood what it really means. Fabian shared that the Greek word for fellowship in this passage is koinonia, which means "sharing something significant in common." The understanding is that this commonality is significant enough to join us together despite any other differences we may have — language, culture, etc. This one thing, Jesus, has the power to connect us (1 John 1:3).
We may make excuses that we do not need the fellowship of the Church, but in reality, we cannot walk this faith journey alone. We were challenged not to wait until we are in a rough spot to look for this fellowship but to engage all throughout our journey.
Second, we must walk in the light.
1 John 1:5-7 tells us that God is light, and to have true fellowship with Him, we must walk in the light. There is power in confession and inviting others into our journey to stay in the light. Quoting the 12-step program, Dave said, "You're only as sick as your secrets." Secrets thrive and germinate in darkness, but if we are faithful to confess them to a trusted friend, then healing can begin.
Third, we must commit to using the same guidebook, the Word.
Fabian directed us to many Scriptures that tell us to care for one another. He shared that we must, as a church, be committed to praying for one another, accepting one another, serving one another, being kind and compassionate toward one another, forgiving one another, encouraging one another, and more.
Fourth, we must be prepared for difficult terrain.
1 John 2:14 ends with "overcome the evil one." Dave shared that this phrase is conveying to us that life will be difficult. No matter how much we desire for it to be easy, this path will have challenges. And Fabian shared the story of Dave Dravecky, a successful MLB pitcher in the 1980s, who had to have his arm amputated due to cancer. Dravecky is known to have said that the valley (the hard places in life) is where the most growth comes from.
Finally, we must trust our Guide.
Throughout 1 John, the Scriptures point back to Jesus as our example. Fabian shared that Jesus is the Prodomos — the One who has gone before. Jesus is the one who has gone before us, and we are to follow His example and His lead. We can find great peace and joy in this.