Scripture Reference
Genesis 1:26-28, Luke 3:22
Open in Prayer
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Message Recap
In Luke 3, John the Baptist baptizes Jesus, we see the heavens open, and the Father says, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” In this one seemingly simple verse, we see the remarkable foundation of a life lived with purpose and meaning—the truth of Jesus’s identity. If the Son of God was assured of His identity before He set out to live into His purpose, how much more so do we, as His brothers and sisters, need the same? The truth is, our identity is not based on what we do, where we are from, or what has been done to us. Our identity begins with who we are loved by.
Discussion Questions
When you fill in the blank, "Hi, my name is ____, and I am ____," what labels do you immediately think of? Which ones do you feel define you most?
Do you feel that any of the identities you carry feel too heavy or uncomfortable, like clothing three sizes too big? Which ones?
How have the expectations placed on you by family, culture, or society influenced your sense of identity?
Reflecting on the verse from Luke 3, where the Father tells Jesus, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased,” how does that resonate with your own sense of identity?
How do you currently find or affirm your identity in relation to God? Is it something that comes easily or takes intentional effort?
How has your understanding of your identity evolved over time? What truths have you come to embrace more deeply? Which ones have you learned to shed?
Live it out
How might you feel if you were to fully embrace the truth that you are loved by God first, without needing to earn it or prove it? Memorize Luke 3:22, insert your name and repeat it to yourself as a reminder this week. “You are _______, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
Close In Prayer
Looking for an example of a Closing Prayer? Click here.