Message Recap
As we head into Thanksgiving, Pastor Dave kicked off our new series, Grateful. He challenged us to consider living a life of gratitude beyond just this month, saying, "Gratitude is not just a good thing. It's not just a polite thing. Gratitude is a powerful thing."
He shared about one study in which participants were divided into three groups. For 10 weeks, one group wrote about the things they were thankful for each week, another wrote about their daily irritations, and the third could write about whatever they wanted. At the study's conclusion, those that expressed gratitude exhibited a better outlook on life, including feeling physically better. Gratitude helped reduce anxiety and physical stress.
Anchored in Luke 17:11-19, Pastor Dave led us through the story of Jesus healing 10 lepers but only one returning to thank Jesus. Why is it that only one thanked Jesus? We can't be fully certain, but Pastor Dave gave us three ways in which we can be sure we don't miss the opportunity to express gratitude when it is presented to us.
- Practice the discipline of noticing.
Often times we miss the opportunity to express gratitude because we are too distracted by the needs right in front of us. Pastor Dave challenged us to take the time to notice.
- Thank God for imperfect gifts.
When we receive a gift, healing, or an answered prayer, sometimes we miss the opportunity to express gratitude because the thing we have received isn't exactly as we hoped. We must learn to be thankful for imperfect gifts.
- Express your thanks to others.
Expressing gratitude is where the real power lies. When we express it openly and honestly, relationships grow and make the hard times easier because a level of trust has been built through gratitude.
Pastor Dave challenged us to live lives of gratitude, ones in which we express it often and with intention. The one leper that thanked Jesus received something that the other nine did not—he became close to Jesus. The same can be said for us in our earthly relationships and our relationship with Jesus when we pursue a life of gratitude.