Message Recap
Over the past three weeks, we have walked through Micah 6:8 to help build a foundation of what it means to love like Jesus. Pastor Shawn shared today that the hope in doing so is to provide the paradigm from which we can engage difficult and challenging issues. As we continue forward in the series, we will address a theological issue (today's sermon), a political issue, and a social issue – all from the posture of Micah 6:8.
Today, Pastor Shawn addressed the question: Is Jesus really the only way? He began with John 14:1-6 where we find Jesus telling the disciples that He is going to go to Heaven and prepare a place for them. He continues to say that He is the way, the truth and the life. This was significant because in first-century Judaism, the Torah, the first five books of our Bible, was considered the way, the truth and the life. The Torah or the law, when given to the people of Isreal, was a true act of grace but over time, religious leaders began prioritizing God's commandments over the people of God.
Pastor Shawn shared that God loves those He created more than He loves His commandments. And this is what Jesus is saying when He calls Himself the way, the truth and life. This is what sets Him apart from every other religion. Unlike the world's religions which require some kind of act of obedience to a law or ritual, Christianity is not defined by what you do. It is based on who He is and what He has done for you. He continued, "The way is defined by someone who loves us and not the propositions that condemn us. That is the most freeing grace-filled reality that God established."
Pasto Shawn then went on to address a couple of key questions.
- Is Jesus' claim exclusive?
Pastor Shawn argued that Jesus is actually the most inclusive. Pointing to 2 Peter 3:9 where the text says, "he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." Every need is met in Jesus, and He opens the door for anybody and everybody to come to Him.
- Is Jesus' claim unfair?
Pastor Shawn used the illustration of the game of Hide and Seek to show that God is always seeking to find those He loves. It is us who tend to hide. He shared how Romans 1:20 shows us that God generally reveals Himself to all people.
What has always been true and is still true today is that God wants to draw us into relationship with Him. He is the way, the truth, and the life. And this has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Him. The invitation is about what He has done for us, not what we can do for Him.
"He will make your life better. He will make you better at life."