Read Galatians 5. Discuss as a group what stands out to you after hearing today's message.
What did you hear in the weekend message that was either new to you or a good reminder? How did it connect with your current experience or what God is teaching you?
What challenged you in today's message?
Group Reconnect
If you were given a million dollars that you had to spend in a week, what would you buy? Or, what was your favorite childhood game or activity?
Open in Prayer
Looking for an example of an Opening Prayer? Clickhere.
Message Recap
This weekend, all over Willow, we heard from the campus pastors. They continued our series, "Overflow: the 9 Traits of a Spirirt-filled Life" teaching from Galatians 5:22-23. As a group, recap the message, and share your key takeaways from the message.
Discussion Questions
Read Galatians 5. Discuss as a group what stands out to you after hearing today's message.
What did you hear in the weekend message that was either new to you or a good reminder? How did it connect with your current experience or what God is teaching you?
What challenged you in today's message?
Did any other verses come to mind during the message? Read them together. What can we learn from them?
Is there anything else from the message you hoped we would discuss today?
Live It Out
Reflect on your answers for question 5. How could you incorporate rejoicing into your daily routine?
Close in Prayer
Looking for an example of a Closing Prayer? Click here.
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