Scripture Reference
John 11:1-44
Open in Prayer
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Message Recap
Grief and sadness are complex emotions that often leave us feeling alone and misunderstood. Whether we are the ones experiencing intense and deep sadness or trying to comfort someone who is, Jesus shows us that not only does He fully understand, but also that our grief is not wasted.
In this passage, we see the beloved sisters Mary and Martha mourning the loss of their brother and Jesus’s friend, Lazarus. The beauty in this familiar story isn’t only in Lazarus’s body raised back to life. When we look closely, we see three significant movements:
- Jesus meets Martha in the way she is processing her grief (11:21-27)
- He does the same for Mary (11:32-34)
- He is grieving too (33-35)
Jesus’s humanity compelled him to feel the pain of great loss, as he cared deeply for Lazarus. And, even though He knew Lazarus would be okay, he entered into the grief of the sisters. Jesus fully understands our grief and enters into it with us just as He did with Mary and Martha.
Discussion Questions
- Reflecting on your own experiences with grief and sadness, how have you felt understood or misunderstood by others in those moments?
- Reflecting on the three significant movements in the story of Lazarus, which moment resonates with you the most, and why?
- Reflecting on Jesus' response to Lazarus' death, how does this story challenge or affirm your beliefs about God's presence and care in times of loss?
- How can we apply the example of Jesus' empathy and compassion in our own interactions with those who are grieving?
- How do you think understanding that our grief is not wasted can reshape our perspective on suffering and loss?
Live it out
How can we cultivate a deeper awareness of Jesus' presence in the midst of our grief, and how might this awareness shape our journey towards healing and restoration?
Close in Prayer
Looking for an example of a Closing Prayer? Click here.